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RichLife Advisors is dedicated to being your go-to resource for information needed to make informed decisions about all aspects of retirement. Founder and visionary, Beau Henderson, has dedicated his life to helping others plan for theirs through his many bestselling books, serving as a local and national media resource, hosting educational events, writing regular blogs, and hosting weekly radio and podcast shows.
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[Senior Planet from AARP] Should You Unretire?
The rise of ‘unretirement’ reveals a shifting perspective on life after careers. A recent T. Rowe Price survey shows that while some return to work for financial reasons, nearly half choose to re-enter the workforce for social and emotional fulfillment. Financial advisor Beau Henderson emphasizes the importance of comprehensive planning beyond finances – considering hobbies, relationships, and personal interests. The key is understanding that retirement isn’t one-size-fits-all; it’s about finding what brings you lasting confidence and purpose.

[CW FOCUS ATLANTA] National Financial Planning Month
What would true financial confidence feel like for you?
Had a fantastic conversation with Keisha Lancelin of CW Focus Atlanta earlier this month about smart financial planning strategies.

[FOX 5 WAGA] Interest Rate Hike – A Balancing Act
[FOX 5 WAGA] Interest Rate Hike – A Balancing Act This week the Fed raised interest rates again, for the fourth time this year, in an effort to cool off record-high inflation. Is it going to work? I spoke with Good Day Atlanta’s Dana Fowle FOX 5 yesterday about what’s

[Senior Planet from AARP] Money: Best Online Finance Sites
Who can you TRUST to give you the best retirement planning information possible? There are several resources to turn to for advice. Here are some of the sites I personally use and recommend…

[Forbes Advisor] Guide To 403(b) Roth Conversions
Most investors can benefit from using an incremental Roth conversion strategy for 403(b) plans. That way, you only convert what you can afford to pay taxes on each year. You don’t want your Roth conversion to cost more than it has to.

[Bankrate] Pros and Cons of Hiring a Financial Advisor
Looking for a financial advisor? This Bankrate article I recently contributed to has got you covered with a list of pros and cons to consider before making your hiring decision. From personalized guidance to high fees, read up on what to expect before handing over your money.