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RichLife Advisors is dedicated to being your go-to resource for information needed to make informed decisions about all aspects of retirement. Founder and visionary, Beau Henderson, has dedicated his life to helping others plan for theirs through his many bestselling books, serving as a local and national media resource, hosting educational events, writing regular blogs, and hosting weekly radio and podcast shows.

Starting July 21, 2024, tune in to AM 920 WGKA every Sunday from 9:00 am to 10:00 am as Beau explores all aspects of a designing a RichLife Retirement.

Can't catch the Atlanta broadcast? No problem! A 30 minute segment will be broadcast locally every Sunday on AM 550 WDUN from 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm.

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[Forbes Advisor] What Is A Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP)? Thumbnail

[Forbes Advisor] What Is A Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP)?

Since there aren’t many do-overs when it comes to your retirement income, the most important thing is that you are confident that your financial advisor has the training and skills to help you maximize your income while reducing your tax liability so you have enough money in the decades following your retirement. If you're within 10 years of retiring, you'll benefit most from working with an RICP. The earlier you engage an RICP inside that window, the better. Not sure if you should change advisors? This article in Forbes Advisor details the differences between CFPs, CRPCs and RICPs and how they can help you make sure your hard-earned savings last as long as you do.

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[Forbes Advisor]  Retirement Planning: How To Retire At Any Age Thumbnail

[Forbes Advisor] Retirement Planning: How To Retire At Any Age

Lots of people make a BIG planning mistake when they begin to look at retiring before they turn 65. They forget that they still need health insurance coverage. And, that can end up looking like another mortgage payment if they have to purchase it before Medicare kicks in for them at age 65. In this Forbes Advisor article, I'm sharing the actual numbers we see every day in the office and a couple of solutions to ensure you don't go broke paying for health insurance before you turn 65.

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