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News and Press

RichLife Advisors is dedicated to being your go-to resource for information needed to make informed decisions about all aspects of retirement. Founder and visionary, Beau Henderson, has dedicated his life to helping others plan for theirs through his many bestselling books, serving as a local and national media resource, hosting educational events, writing regular blogs, and hosting weekly radio and podcast shows.

Starting July 21, 2024, tune in to AM 920 WGKA every Sunday from 9:00 am to 10:00 am as Beau explores all aspects of a designing a RichLife Retirement.

Can't catch the Atlanta broadcast? No problem! A 30 minute segment will be broadcast locally every Sunday on AM 550 WDUN from 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm.

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Women and Retirement:  Navigating Life Transitions with Clarity and Confidence Thumbnail

Women and Retirement: Navigating Life Transitions with Clarity and Confidence

Women are achieving unprecedented levels of education and success. They control over 50% of America's wealth and play a significant role in managing their family's finances. However, when it comes to retirement planning, they often find themselves on the sidelines, a fact acknowledged by financial experts. This disengagement can profoundly impact their lives once they reach retirement age.

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[Private Wealth] Why Advisors Need To Address Clients' Non-Financial Needs Thumbnail

[Private Wealth] Why Advisors Need To Address Clients' Non-Financial Needs

One of the things that sets RichLife Advisors apart from other financial planning firms is that we go beyond traditional financial planning to help our clients determine what it means to live a rich life in retirement. Our goal is to provide our clients with a strategy that will guide them through retirement even in the midst of life’s unexpected events. And, we go even further by helping them address the non-financial aspects of their retirement. By understanding how relationships, experiences and purpose play a role in a fulfilling retirement, we believe we can help them to live their richest, most meaningful life -- now and through retirement.

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Five Retirement Conversations You Need To Have With Your Sweetheart Thumbnail

Five Retirement Conversations You Need To Have With Your Sweetheart

Here are five non-financial aspects of retirement planning that you and your sweetheart need to discuss before you retire. And, my recommendation is to make this fun -- like planning a "date night" with your sweetheart. Be sure to get it on your calendars and be willing to dig deep and listen to what your partner has to say. The things you learn will give you valuable insight into what's important (or not) to them and their expectations for retirement.

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